Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wine As An Aphrodisiac

Keeping up with the Valentine Theme, today I tell you about three specific wines that have an aphrodisiac effect on women, accompanied by three specific wines that can put a man "in the mood." the 14th should be an interesting night!!!

Wine is an aphrodisiac.It has been proven that the aromas of wine replicate human attraction pheromones.those nifty little receptors that communicate attraction to the brain.

Wine No.1 - Corodrniu "Original" Brut Cava
Wine No.2 - Konzelmann Estate Winery Riesling
Wine No.3 - Ridge California Chardonnay
Wine No.4 - Trinity Oaks Pinot Noir
Wine No.5 - Cheateau Le Rait Bordeax
Wine No.6 - Nugan Estate Cabernet Sauvignon

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